The Moms on Siwas Dance Pop Revolution Are So "Crazy," JoJo Siwa Did This for the First Time

The Moms on Siwas Dance Pop Revolution Are So "Crazy," JoJo Siwa Did This for the First Time

E! News·2021-11-17 06:02

JoJo Siwa's new series isn't for the lighthearted. 

Siwas Dance Pop Revolution centers on JoJo and her mom Jessalynn Siwa's mission to create the next big kid pop group. A hand-picked selection of triple-threat tweens will compete for a coveted spot in XOMG Pop—which will eventually serve as an opening act for JoJo—and as the former Dance Moms star herself exclusively revealed during E! News' Daily Pop, the competition is tight and the stress is palpable.


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